
linkthink re: hip-hop, reggae, the US, jamaica, and anything else wayne wants to wax on


in the socket

photo by pantagrapher

i'll be waxing and wayning in new york citay** this wednesday (3/1) at the knitting factory, old office. mainly, i'll be rapping, which, for those of you who know me more through my blogging, sort of sounds like my blogging but faster and more rhythmic.

the bill is more of a sanger-sangwriter thang, but on the interesting side of that divide. the mastermind behind it all is me old friend and collaborator, andrew scandal, a relatively recent boston->brooklyn defector. (which is exciting b/c we're good buddies and it's always fun to hang out, but which is especially exciting b/c these days we're both using sony-manufactured "in-the-pocket" "in-the-socket" drummers: his a boombox, mine a vaio.)

i'll be rockin' the mic and the 'top from 10-11. before me, it's kat hayman from 8-9 and scandal from 9-10, and then after me, ill paisanos will bring it all back home.

** citay, a/k/a ezra f & co., is not involved in this event. i just thought i'd link him here since he calls his band/project "citay" and because he's got a new cd out that you'll prolly like if you like weird 70s rock. (no offense, ez.)


Blogger Alice B. said...

hey wayne,
glad to know you'll be in town. if i'm not too brain dead i'll try to drag a friend or two.

since you've expressed interest in the past, I thought I'd let you know that you can watch Haiti's Carnival live now and tuesday nite (the 28th) starting at 6pm Eastern at [url]www.sakapfet.com[/url].


9:36 PM  

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