
linkthink re: hip-hop, reggae, the US, jamaica, and anything else wayne wants to wax on


dailey grind

paul dailey demonstrates on the decks

in our electro class this past tuesday, paul dailey gave a detailed demonstration of how he approaches his craft as a techno DJ. his suggestive mini-set had to be limited due to the class's time restrictions as well as the fact that he had a gig in providence later that night.

but tonight--(wicked wicked) thursday, 2/23--paul will get a chance to stretch out a bit more when he joins me at river gods for my monthly special (which i'm devoting this spring to the music of our electro class--and the guests who share their skills with us). while i mix selections from the avant garde to the minimalist, from soul and funk to disco and dub, from house to techno to electro--a partial crunk genealogy, if you will--paul will be digging out some house and techno classics and connecting them to some recent favorites.

given the lil pub's cozy confines, it should be more of a chill vibe than an all-out foot stomper, but you never know what can happen with the right music on the right night. should be fun, at any rate, especially for all us students of electronic music (whether enrolled in the class or not). 9pm-1am. no cover.

finally, while we're on the topic of classic electronic dance music, i should point you to nate harrison's wonderful little videomentary on the TB-303, the instrument of acid house (and a whole lotta styles that followed). you may have come across harrison's amen break bit recently, which--thanks to boingboing--seems to be enjoying a (well-deserved) second or third fifteen minutes. don't miss it.

and if you like that sort of thing, you might check out vintage synth explorer and virtual drum machines--not to mention the virtual collections at obsolete.com and synthmuseum. deep.


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